Why Join PCAC?
Primary Care Associates of California Medical Group IPA (PCAC) is a multi-specialty physician network solely committed to the care of Medicare-eligible beneficiaries. We have been serving Southern California community since 2007. Our Members have access to high-quality and personalized care from over 400 primary care and over 2,600 specialist physicians. PCAC prides itself on delivering customized; personal care to its members. PCAC physicians undergo a rigorous credentialing process, and their performance, communication and the ability to deliver cutting-edge medical care is continuously measured to meet our high standards. PCAC gives you easy access to a comprehensive list of leading doctors, specialists and healthcare practitioners, plus so much more:
Offers Leading Doctors
PCAC offers over 400 primary care doctors and 2,600 specialists to serve you.
Erases the Confusion of Medical Bills
We take care of your bills from doctors and hospitals, except for co-payments and co-insurance. If there’s a problem with a bill you receive, our Member Services team will investigate it for you.
Urgent Care Centers
Get care when you need it for colds, flu, stomach problems, minor injuries, bladder infections and more, after your doctor’s office is closed. Convenient locations, Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.
Personalized Care Management
When chronic or complex health conditions strike, our care management team can help. They act as a liaison between you, your doctors and your specialists to make sure you’re getting the care and medical resources you deserve.
By Joining PCAC IPA Your Are Also Entitled to the Following Benefits
Direct access to extensive panel of contracted specialist through the Direct Referral program
Member Advocacy Program – One individual to personally handle any question or issue
If you have questions about any of these benefits, call Member Services toll free at (844) 772-2472.
How to Join
Step 1: Ensure your Health Plan and your Primary Care Physician are contracted with PCAC
If you are not certain, call PCAC Member Services at (844) 722-2472 (Toll Free) to find out. If your health plan or your PCP are not contracted with PCAC and you still want to join PCAC, our Member Services Team can help you find a health plan and a Primary Care Physician with PCAC to match your specific healthcare needs and preferences.
Step 2: Contact Your Current Health Plan’s Member Services
The number can be found on your medical insurance card. Tell them that you would like to join PCAC (Primary Care Associates of California) and give them the name of your PCAC Primary Care Physician.
Step 3: Confirm the PCAC IPA Physician’s Code for your Primary Care Physician is being used.
If you do not take this step, you may not be enrolled in PCAC and won’t have access to PCAC’s network of physicians.
Step 4: Look For Your New Medical Insurance ID Card.
Make sure your information and your doctor’s name is listed correctly and that it says Primary Care Associates of California” or “PCAC” on your card. If this information is incorrect, call your insurance company again and repeat Steps 2 through 4.
Need assistance? Call PCAC Member Services at (844) 722-2472 (Toll Free)
Open Enrollment
How to Put the Annual Election Period to Work For You
Medicare’s Annual Election Period begins October 15 and lasts until December 7. This period, formerly known as Open Enrollment, is the time when you can join, change or drop a Medicare Advantage or Part D plan for the next calendar year.
As a member of PCAC, you can choose among the following Medicare Advantage Plans:
Anthem Blue Cross
Blue Shield
Health Net
UCLA Health
These plans are offered by private insurance companies that are contracted with the government to deliver your care.
Keep Your Plan or Choose a New One?
Your choice of Medicare Advantage Plans should be based on your individual medical needs and personal preferences. Here are some important things to compare:
How much are your premiums, deductibles or co-pays for doctor visits? What about hospital stays?
Your Treatments
What are your routine medical treatments?
Prescription Drug Costs
Does the plan cover prescription drugs? What will your prescription drugs cost under the plan?
Travel Coverage
All Medicare Advantage HMO plans cover you for emergency treatment out of the area. However, some have dollar limits when traveling out of the USA.
“Maximum Out-of-Pocket” Limit
All HMO’s must include a yearly “Maximum Out-of-Pocket” limit or MOOP. This is the maximum amount that you would pay for medical costs in the calendar year. What is yours?
Watch Your Mailbox
Any day now your Medicare Advantage Plan will send a big packet of information to your home. Pay close attention to the “Annual Notification of Change” letter that outlines how some of your benefits will have changed for the upcoming year. You may find an increase in co-pays for many services, including prescription drug costs.
How to Compare Plans
Go to www.medicare.gov and compare Medicare Advantage plans. If you’re satisfied with the current changes in benefits and prescription drug coverage under your existing Medicare Advantage Plan and/or stand-alone Medicare drug plan, then do nothing. You will continue with your existing plan in the upcoming year.
If You Change Plans
If you would like to switch your Medicare Advantage Plan, then you’ll need the PCAC physician code for your existing primary care physician. You can get it by calling our Member Services Toll-Free at (844) 722-2472. Once you choose your plan, you can use your PCAC physician code to sign up by calling the plan at the contact number. When you sign up for a new Medicare Advantage Plan you will be automatically dis-enrolled from your old plan and your new plan will begin on January 1 of the calendar year.